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Invasive Trackers – Invitation to Sign Open Letter

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Thank you for your interest in signing our letter calling on the UK’s most trusted charities to remove invasive trackers from their help and support pages

Please note, by completing the form below, the letter will be co-signed by the organisation you represent. For more information on the campaign, you can access the full report here.

The letter will be sent to the following recipients:

Cancer Research UK
British Heart Foundation
Save The Children
Salvation Army
Macmillan Cancer Support
The Royal British Legion
Marie Curie
Age UK
Christian Aid
Alzheimer’s Society
Versus Arthritis
The Stroke Association
MS Society
Amnesty International

These charities have been chosen because they meet the following criteria:

  • They are some of the UK’s ‘most trusted charities’ according to YouGov research
  • They have at least one tracker belonging to AdTech companies embedded on their site
  • They deal with potentially sensitive issues that should never be used for advertising purposes
  • Their cookie consent policies fall short of the standards set out by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR)

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